Sunday 22 March 2015

Sunday Specials: Mark Zuckerberg (facebook billionaire) Surprise Wedding.

The wedding announcement was classic Facebook: Zuckerberg simply updated his profile to: “Married to Priscilla Chan.” The news had almost 850,000 “likes” Sunday evening.

The couple pulled off the stealth nuptials by inviting not more than 100 guests to what they thought was a surprise party for Chan (his then girlfriend), who graduated from medical school at the University of Califonia, which also happened to be Zuckerberg’s birthday.


The surprise was on their friends: The wedding had been in the works for months. The ceremony took place in the backyard of the newlyweds’ home. The bride wore a white dress with a lace overlay and received a simple ruby wedding ring designed by Zuckerberg. (Awww.)

What’s most impressive (aside from Zuck’s suit) was that they managed to keep it under wraps. Celebrity weddings usually leak out from a guest or vendor. Chan and Zuckerberg used the classic bait-and-switch tactic employed by Julia Roberts for her Fourth of July marriage to Danny Moder in 2004: Invite all your friends for a party, then spring the wedding on them. All your loved ones in attendance, but no advance gossip.

And that's how they pulled it off!

Olamide~ The Heiress


  1. Wow! Congratulations to the gorgeous couple for their wedding! I didn’t know about Zuckerberg’s wedding. Thanks for this update! Well, tomorrow I am going to attend my cousin’s wedding at a beach Wedding location in Chicago. I am very excited for her wedding!

  2. You are most welcome. I hope you had fun at the wedding. You can tell me all about it, share some ideas on what you think could have been done better and what you liked the most.
